Frozen Feet

It is 5:43 p.m. I just removed wet boots, put on dry socks, and am toasting cold feet in front of a disk heater set on high. This isn't the first time this journey has frozen my toes, but more on that later.

This morning at 9 a.m., almost 9 hours ago, I was wandering Juniper Fields with the engineer who will design the septic system. Juniper Fields is the name a daughter came up with for the land I am about to purchase. 

"That's what you first noticed about the land, she said. So that is a good name for it."
Proposed cabin site is just beyond that
juniper behind & slightly to the left
of the fence post.

So practical the daughter. She would not have waited nine hours to change into dry socks and shoes. Is it any wonder the daughters worry about their momma?

Today's news is hope-filled. It is possible that the septic system can be located on the former field, instead of adjacent land made available by an easement. That is good for a variety of reasons, cost savings being one. But also the adjacent land has cattle on it, problematic for a septic system with pumps and leach fields (a septic tank is not an option). Within a couple weeks, Tony, whom the engineer recommends to put in the septic, can drill some test holes with his backhoe, and then we will know for sure.

The engineer also saw deer signs--tracks in the snow, and scat. I saw deer in the neighboring property on the first site visit, but this was the first sure sign of deer on Juniper Fields. Given this property is to be sanctuary for critters and me, this is good news.

Deer tracks

But let me back up a bit. After five months of trying to figure out what detour my life journey would take, on Election Day 2019, Kelsey, my realtor, put a for-sale sign in front of my two-story house and half-acre. Before she had the listing up at the end of the day, she already had showings scheduled. And by Thursday, the house was on contract. Three offers had already come in. The sale price provided the budget for my transition to Juniper Fields.

On November 12, an agreement was reached on the purchase price of the 2.1 acre field, fallow long enough to allow several junipers, also called Eastern Red Cedar, to take root and reach waist high and up (I am 5 foot two). 

On December 3, I signed the home equity loan (HELOC) against the proceeds of the two-story home sale. Closing on that property was set at January 17; and would cover the HELOC. 

I posted a Facebook plea asking about short-term rentals, as I would now need a place for me and Ms.Winnie, my dog, between closing and cabin completion. By December 5, it was agreed I would live in a currently vacant farmhouse. 

By Friday, December  13, I signed the final plans for the cabin. 

Tomorrow is the closing on Juniper Fields, postponed first from Friday, December 13 and then Monday, December 16 because of family emergencies and inclement weather.

There is lots yet to do between tomorrow's closing and cabin completion. Nonetheless I can't help but wonder if the Father above has had the plan in place for months, just waiting for the day the daughters and I would complete the conversations that would align us with His plan.

Timeline: a must have for a project such as this. 
Google calendar tracks appointments, and all parties involved.


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