Do you see it now?

The southeast side of the house...crew is laying the porch floor, while waiting for cabin doors and windows to arrive.

And, yes! it DOES face the juniper ridge, the border of the bottoms, where the deer run.

Cabin with a view

Cold, knock-me-off-my feet wind up here yesterday and today. The crew is working on the porch because it was too windy to attach trusses and roof.
The far corner, the north corner, and far door is where The Nest, my bedroom is. In the middle is Scat Town (the bathroom) window, and the Werefesteria's door and window are the short and long openings closest  (where mystery will, we hope, lead to art and all sorts of creative projects). Far left window is the "Watering Hole" (the great room where I hope guests will gather for coffee, tea, snacks, and meals.

The unusual names came out of brainstorming session with The Maggie. I hope that others will begin building homes with needs and usage in mind and less according to tradition.

The windows and doors have arrived!!!!!

Oh goody!!! The doors all have windows!!!
I will indeed be able to see outside from
all four sides of the cabin.


  1. Thank you for the update. We enjoy the pictures.

    1. Thank you for reading! And share if you know someone who would be encouraged or helped with the information, and idea processing. Miss you both so much! Can hardly wait to be back in church together again.


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