Stake Outs

So many decisions made, but now where EXACTLY should the house go? I needed to roughly stake it out to guide the contractor, and I needed help. So I called my friend and home school teacher, LaVonne, whose four kids were glad to help. She also brought along a 100 foot tape measure, and I brought my compass. Our first attempt was angled wrong, but we talked through my goal, and on the 2d attempt got it right. Aim north--and then set a stake 26 feet east and another 26 feet west. Our end result was not quite square, but close enough. The contractor did suggest moving the footprint one foot east, and assured me the praying mantis and their juniper house would still be safe, and the cabin safe from the growing tree.

The grandsons, visiting from New York, helped John Burleson, Burleson Engineers (Charlottesville VA) with staking as he surveyed and Tony Wittig dug test holes. Ground met the requirements for an alternative septic system (required) without having to use the easement.

Holding the stake tall and straight so John could survey from it. The grandsons, too, are home schooled. They got a break from their inside desk work, and some time outside.
Three of my home-school heroes--they received practical outdoor learning experiences of measuring, orienting a compass, and collaboration, and did a good deed, too.

We ended the morning with hot chocolate at the "rock table", which their sister served up for us.


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